My Vacations in Juliantla…

Wendy Figueroa en Juliantla 

Wendy Figueroa from Anaheim Ca. 

My Vacations in Juliantla

            My hands were shaking as I gripped the handles of my seat. I squirmed around uncomfortably, as more turbulence shook us. If there is one thing I hate more than the plane itself, it was the turbulence. As the plane slowly calmed down, I dared open the window. Land! Finally we got off and I felt the dazed expression on my face. My legs felt worn out although I hadn’t done any walking in three hours, but that’s probably why. I was overjoyed to be in Mexico. I felt as if greeting an old friend. 

            I breathed in and out and felt a breeze on my face. I saw my reflection and I no longer looked pale, thank goodness. We were quick about getting our things and we went to the front of the airport and I saw my grandma, aunt, uncle, and small cousin, Jessie, with her little sister, parking in the airport parking. After being happily reunited again, I smiled and felt my heart sigh with relief. I was going home. 

            In the car I exchanged happy glances with Jessie, who was only three and I could tell she had absolutely no clue who she was sitting next to. I felt sad, for she was only 18 months old the first time I saw here, which was over two years ago. 

            I looked around and felt the crisp, fresh air. I had never breathed like this before. I looked out the car window and felt astonished as I saw the emerald horizon filled with trees, mountains lay untouched by humans, never had I seen such a rich environment.

            I noticed Jessie had a gloomy expression on her face. Probably carsick and tired, we had something in common. Her head lay between her short little legs. I also noticed her perfectly crafted little curls around her head. I decided it was going to be a long ride, so I decided to make friends. We all instantly bonded and played the entire two hours back to my grandparent’s house. 

            After the car stopped, I was bewildered. Everything in Juliantla remained the same. I got out of the car and ran down to my grandparent’s house. Everything was still in the same position. Although no one was home, my grandpa and aunt were probably going to be home soon. I could feel that this house was probably full of good times.  My grandma opened the door and we ran inside. It was wonderful. I was finally home. Then I heard footsteps galloping down stairs, Cristian! Our beloved seven year old cousin! “Primas!” We all ran over and gave him a hug! He was the same age as my little sister and was always eager to greet us. How I’d missed that troublemaker. 

            My parents were already outside, pulling out chairs to the patio. It was great. I went into the room we were going to be staying in.  I saw Cristian who was already making plans to show us around town. And we were off on our next adventure…

Cindy Figueroa  por los caminos en Juliantla





                        Wendy Figueroa 2007



Mami, recuerdo tu primer beso, Tu primera caricia
Lloramos juntas, me habías traido a la vida,
Fué un dolor hermoso, sentirme en tu pecho
Sentir tu amor, sentirme protegida.
Tus ojos lloraban, tus brazos, me abrazaban
La Virgen nos hizo el milagro, de ser tu primer hija…

Decian que tenía tu sonrisa, decian que tenia tu mirada,
Que los ojos de la abuela, Tu, no decias nada….
Me arrullabas, me alimentabas y me cuidabas
No dormias, pendiente de mis sueños,
Ångel guardian, convertiste nuestro hogar,
Adorando, sintiendo, los brazos de Papá…

Mis primeros pasos, los conseguí, de tus manos,
Mis primeras risas, fueron premio a tu alegría,
Me has enseñado, a caminar con rectitud,
A respirar, la paz en tu corazón,
Juntas hemos sido testigo, de la gracia,
Y bondad del creador….

Mis primeras letras fueron, “te Quiero mamå”
Los primeros regaños, fueron para mejorar,
En tiempos dificiles, en tiempos de tempestad….
El brillo en tu mirada, ha iluminado mis temores,
Los dias a tu lado, son para mi alma,
Un bello jardín de flores.

Siempre has estado presente, en los retos que he tenido
Con tus sabios consejos, con amor en tus palabras,
Ayudando, consolando, los pesares de mi mente,

Te Amo Mamå,
Le diré y repetiré al cielo, todos los dias de mi vida
En mi corazón te guardo, te llevo….

Gracias por tu tiempo,
Gracias por tu ternura,
Gracias por hacer de mi,
La sonrisa de la Luna….

Mamá: Dios bendice tu camino…….

3 Responses to “My Vacations in Juliantla…”

  1. Hola Wendy,

    Lamentablemente no pudimos coincidir mas que una vez en la Iglesia. Estabas con Sergio y yo ya iba de salida. Ya habrá otra ocasión.
    Me imagino que te preguntarás quien es quien está escribiendo, pues te lo voy a revelar. Soy Osvaldo, hijo de tu tíos Eugenio y María. Para acabar pronto, los vecinos de tus agüelitos.
    Por lo que veo, tuviste unas vacaciones chéveres, eso me da gusto. Yo también pasé un tiempo ameno con mis familiares.
    Bueno, para no hacer este comentario más que eso, me despido por ahora. Por favor saludame a tus papis (Rebe y Agustín), y por supuesto a tus hermanitas.

    Osvaldo López Figueroa

  2. estan bien bonitas las fotos porque las tomo mi prima

  3. hola soy sergio estan bioen chidas las fotos

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